Pfrimmer Family

Runner Profile

Pfrimmer Family

Age: Dale 53, Megan 50, Kendall 21, Lara 19, Lance 18

Hometown: Rochester, MN

Running mantra: I think of the Jack Johnson song “It’s always better when we’re together”, our favorite runs are when we are all together, bibs or no bibs, but running together. This can be challenging as we look for races the right distance and navigating in season training. Our favorite races are the BIX 7 in Davenport, the Polar Bear prediction run, and a good Turkey Trot, regardless of what state we’re in (MN, OH, VA)!  

How running has changed us:

Running has made us all the person that we are. It’s in our DNA now, it’s just what we do. One of the biggest changes has been finding our running family here in Rochester.

Running in college for Kendall (Marquette University) and Lance (UW Stout) has forced them both to prioritize and enhance time management skills.

Why we joined RRC:

As a family we started running the Terra Loco $5 5Ks. We then started running the Saturday Morning Training Runs and the Sunday morning Off Season Striders runs. Joining the RRC was driven by desire to support the RRC offerings, especially the Saturday and Sunday runs and the All-Comer’s Track meets in the summer.    

Why we run:

We are all working on becoming the best versions of ourselves and running is a huge part of that. Running helps push ourselves to do more than we thought was possible.

Running with such a supportive and motivating community has been a huge bonus.

When we run:

Our must have is a fully charged Garmin watch!

Where we run:

We’re spread out now so our running is taking place in southwest Rochester, Milwaukee, Columbus, OH, and Menomonie, WI.

When we run, we must have:

Water bottles!! I dont think I go out without a waist belt with 2 water bottles. I just drink a lot and can carry my phone too! Still find MN temp hot and so get less muscle issues if I am well hydrated.

Our running goals:

Our running goals vary. Kendall and Lance are looking at school records, 10K on track for Kendall, 8K Cross Country for Lance. Dale is working on getting back to Boston and finishing the World Majors (3/6). Megan recently PRed the marathon and Lara ran her first half marathon this Fall.

    Do you know someone you would like to see profiled as a Rochester runner? Email the Rochester Running Club and tell us about them!

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